Dangerous Eagle Lake intersection to get J-turn
A J-Turn is coming to a crash-prone intersection on Highway 14 at Eagle Lake.
The Minnesota Department of Transportation offered three design concepts for the Highway 14 and Blue Earth Co Rd 56 intersection and invited motorists to vote on their favorite. In the end, MnDOT chose the most popular option, the J-Turn, which received 44% of the votes. MnDOT says 65% of the 246 survey respondents were residents of Eagle Lake.
A J-turn, also known as a restricted crossing U-turn, would force motorists coming from Eagle Lake to turn right into the eastbound lanes, where they would then would access the westbound lanes at a designated U-turn area.
Construction on the intersection is slated for 2020.
MnDOT recently installed pavement markings on Co Rd 56 to encourage motorists to stop closer to Highway 14, which improves visibility for Co Rd 56 traffic as they either cross or turn onto Highway 14.