Hagedorn, Feehan debate gets spicy

(Mankato, MN) – If you missed the spirited debate between Congressman Jim Hagedorn and his Democratic challenger Dan Feehan, you might want to catch the replay.

The debate, aired on KEYC News Now Sunday night got contentious after Congressman Hagedorn accused Feehan of being paid nearly a half-million dollars to run for Congress.

The accusation was in response to a Feehan jab at Hagedorn for the ethics investigation into the Congressman’s use of taxpayer funds for his campaign mailings.

The candidates also sparred over healthcare, law enforcement, and the response to the COVID-19 pandemic.

You can watch a replay of the debate on the KEYC website.  You can also find out what the Mankato Free Press discovered when they looked into Hagedorn’s claim in their debate synopsis.

A September 14 poll conducted by Public Policy Polling found the Congressman and his challenger tied at 41 percent.

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